最近 真的sibeh忙!!! 忙工作忙考试忙温习... 工作在忙什么呢? 在忙...学习做ordering[其实已经会了的] 学排schedule... 其实不要看这两样好像很简单酱... 其实一点也不简单 我还要算准点 不然cost就会很高 然后老板就会sibeh吵 然后还要做month end and weekly inventory so sienx= ='' now i try to control the cost but really diffcult now.. Now i oso wan prepare my SPM exam jor cux already JULY jor lagi 3 month wan Exam jor now i wan start ulang kaji haiz= ='' so bored for tis now.. now my new outlet head resign ald.. but he resign is bcux he find a new job tat job better than now hope he good luck in his new job haiz= ='' haiz= ='' haiz= ='' tomorrow wan work in morning wan see the SUPERMAN again really wan fucking tis ppl!!!